Use case
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Scale your business with custom Machine Learning

Using Machine Learning to power and optimize your company’s processes involves much more than just training a model and doing some predictions.

Quickly scale up development capabilities throughout the entire process.
Implement best practices for Amazon Web Services to ensure long-term evolutionary capabilities.
Learn from our team's expertise to maintain, operate and eventually evolve your systems.
Quickly scale up development capabilities throughout the entire process.
Implement best practices for Amazon Web Services to ensure long-term evolutionary capabilities.

Real-time Machine Learning that powers thousands of predictions per second.


A company in the Real Time Bidding (RTB) Ads space needed to implement a system that would efficiently price each ad auction while processing thousands of auctions every second with response times under 20 milliseconds.


Aside from the statistical and mathematical complexities of designing such a system, making it economically viable requires a combination of deep skill in Software Engineering, Cloud Infrastructure and business know-how.

Our team started by evaluating the client's situation, analyzing both the technical aspects and how this impacted the company’s financial status.

We then advanced in several fronts by making the infrastructure more stable and efficient, devising a new pricing model to simplify the optimization process and developing a Machine Learning system that combined several real-time estimations to accurately price the auctions.
As a result of our partnership, the client saw a significant reduction of infrastructure costs, and an increase in the margin from the ad campaigns.

In turn, this allowed our client to offer a better service to their own customers: advertisers that could now run highly efficient ad campaigns on our client’s platform.

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